List of works in reversed chronological order. Follow links for scores and recordings/documentation. Parts, fixed media files and live electronics codes are available upon request or on GitHub
“La Solitudine delle Moltitudini (The Solitude of the Multitudes)” (2023-2024)
electroacoustic cantata for 16 female voices on fixed media (21’), with Alice Grishchenko, Gabor Klitzinger and A.-Laszlo Barabasi (video art)
DOCUMENTATION, VIDEO(single channel) (2024)
Gli Spazî dell’Immaginario (The Spaces of the Imaginary) (2024)
Gli Spazî dell’Immaginario (The Spaces of the Imaginary), interactive electroacoustic music on fixed media (stereo), for the installation “Your Magic is Real” by Alicia Eggert and James Akers
miniature opera project #3 “The Shopping List” (2023)
table-top miniature opera for voice and fixed media (stereo audio on headphones, polystyrene, Plexiglas, magnets, electronic components, and multicolored mini beanbags)
“I am not a robot, am I?” (2022)
networked soundspace, interactive electroacoustic sound installation (4-channel audio) by SoniLab – SoniLab is the University of North Texas College of Music data sonification laboratory led by Marco Buongiorno Nardelli (creative director and composer), with Garrison Gerard, Chris Poovey, Patrick Reed, Benjamin Shirey and Okan YaÅŸarlar (composers and sound designers) - for the installation Fake News Apostles by BarábasiLab: Gabor Klitzinger (video art), A.-Laszlo Barabasi (artistic and scientific director).
"Requiem Between a Barrel and a Heart" (2022)
for instrumental samples and voice recordings on fixed media, FM radio transmitters and transistor radios, (infinite duration) – in collaboration with Pedram Baldari (sculpture/performance art).
miniature opera project #2 "The Messengers" (2019)
CosmOpera for voices, fixed media (multichannel audio), and cosmic rays (variable duration)
miniature opera project #1 "UNKNOWN a journey" (2018)
for voices and fixed media (four channel audio, polystyrene, plexiglas, electronic components and orange beanbags) (variable duration)
ENSEMBLES (w/wo electronics)
L'Indifferenza dell'Amore Cosmico (The Indifference of the Cosmic Love) (2021/2022)
for flauto d'amore or clarinet, or both, electronics and cosmic rays
SCORE (21:30), RECORDING Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore; Gleb Kanasevich, clarinet, VIDEO
SCORE_FOLLOWER (video) - SCORE (10:00 version)
Requiem (2021-2022)
for an unspecified number of performers (arbitrary duration)
1. Complexity Interactive Ensemble, Abby Pribisova – voice, tenor sax, clarinet, Gina Rae La Cerva – voice, percussion, Isa Ruiz – voice, accordeon, Mason Robison – voice, guitars, Nick Pelton – voice, keyboards, piano, Michael Garfield – voice, Chapman stick, and with the participation of the students of the Complexity Interactive Summer School 2021 of the Santa Fe Institute
2. Version for mixed ensemble with audience chorus (voices, flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, accordion and Tibetan bowl), 2022. Ginevra Petrucci, flute; Gleb Kanasevich, clarinet; David Felberg, violin; Laura Steiner, viola; James Holland, cello; Elaine diFalco, voice, accordion; Gina Rae La Cerva, speaking voice; with the participation of the audience.
3. Version for mixed ensemble (voices, flute, clarinet, violin, piano, cello, marimba). Beth Stone, flute, Rowan Jones, clarinets, Toril Azzalini-Machecler, marimba, Emily Hoh, piano, Pietro Genova Gaia, violin, Shizuku Tatsuno, cello.
untitled (four.feel.title.words) (2020)
for 2 performers and electronics (15’40”)
1. Dew. Rust. Light. Flow (for flauto d’amore (or flute or alto flute) and electronics)
2. Mist. Iron. Cold. Pulse (for flauto d’amore (or alto flute or bass recorder) and bass recorder (or flauto d’amore or alto flute)
Rain. Steel. Hollow. Veil (for flauto d’amore (or flute or alto flute) and electronics)
La Forme de l’Océan (2019)
for SATB choir and multichannel audio, text by Jiang Hao after his poem 海的形状 (5’48”)
Le réseau de ton souvenir (2019)
suite for alto recorder
Amargosa Tryptich (2015)
for violin, clarinet and piano (5:40)
Morning Moon (2012)
Works for ECCO LA MUSICA (Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, flutes, Jim Crew, piano, accordeon, clarinet, Ed Butler, drums, percussions, Aaron Bittikofer, bass):
1. Triste, solitario y final SCORE, RECORDING, VIDEO
2. The imagination of the tadpole SCORE, RECORDING
3. Sunset of the water jade SCORE, RECORDING
4. To think of you SCORE, RECORDING, VIDEO
Numeric counterpoints (2009)
for string quartet
Anninia, anninia (2007)
for female voice and piano (3:30)
Elementi in una variazione (2007)
for flute+piccolo, piano, percussion (two performers)
Finzione di interludio (2007)
for chamber orchestra (7:33)
SCORE, RECORDING (Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Randolph Foy)
Fragment (from Sappho) (2006)
for voice and bass clarinet
Eenie, Meene, Minie, Mo (2006)
four miniatures for flute, two violins and percussion
Mylar soundscape (2017)
fixed media loop
Contrappunto (2015)
for player piano and electronics
Elektrion (2016)
fixed media
Bamboo's ghost (2007)
fixed media
Two drones (Kaleida, Threnos) (2007)
fixed media